NY’s Finest! World’s Most Sustainable “think coffee” to Open on 6/30


Mr. Kazuo Tase, Representative Director and President of SDG Partners which is a consulting firm specializing in promoting sustainability in business through the linkage of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), is pleased to announce the opening of the first “think coffee” store in Japan.

The cafe, known for its commitment to sustainability, is a subsidiary of SDG Partners and will open its doors in Nihonbashi Kanda Nishiki-cho on June 30th.

At “think coffee,” we believe in the power of connection – linking SDGs and business.

We invite you to join us in a comfortable space where people with diverse backgrounds and values can be themselves, while exploring the concept of SDGs starting with a cup of coffee.

For three days, from June 29th to July 1st, we welcome press inquiries and interviews,

including a visit to the store, upon prior arrangement.

Think Coffee Japan Website:  https://thinkcoffee.jp/

Grand Opening: June 30th, 11:00 AM

Address: 2-9-15 Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo

Drawing on the expertise of Kazuo Tase, who has played a leading role in formulating the SDGs at the United Nations, the store incorporates various initiatives related to the SDGs.

the coffee industry has placed significant burdens on the planet and the people involved, including environmental degradation, child labor, and exacerbation of global warming. “think coffee” aims to reverse this trend and bring positive change.

We exclusively source our coffee beans directly from contracted farmers in Ethiopia, Colombia, and Nicaragua.

“think coffee” (NY) ensures unparalleled transparency in the flow of money within the supply chain by openly disclosing on their website the purchase price of beans from each origin, the premium paid compared to market prices, and other details.

Furthermore, a portion of the sales is reinvested back to the farmers, enabling local women and children to participate in society.

At think coffee Japan,
we carefully store the beans at a constant temperature to maintain their flavor, and we use a specially selected roasting machine to roast them in-house.

In addition to the coffee recipes from New York, we offer Tokyo Blend, a unique Japanese roast, and a range of food options such as bagels and cheesecakes that capture the essence of New York.

In addition, we have planned the introduction of the following elements to incorporate SDGs throughout the store and achieve a harmonious blend of comfort and “world’s most sustainable” concept:

★ Reusable Cups: 
We are planning to introduce “Huskee Cups,” which are reusable cups made from coffee husks. (Already implemented in our NY store.)

★ Renewable Energy:
The entire building will be powered by renewable energy sources, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions to the greatest extent possible.

★ Family-friendly Space: 
We are developing a dedicated space on the 6th floor of the building where families with child can enjoy coffee at ease, without any concerns.

★ Composting: 
We are considering the installation of a “compost” system on the rooftop, where coffee grounds and other organic waste can naturally return to the environment as compost.

By incorporating these initiatives, we aim to create a sustainable and inviting environment while promoting the values of SDGs throughout our operations.

Think Coffee Japan, Inc.
Address: 2-9-15, Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo,
Kanda SDGs Connection 501

【CEO Kazuo Tase Profile】 
Kazuo Tase joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1992. He worked at the United Nations for 10 years, specializing in UN diplomacy, human rights, African development, public-private partnerships, humanitarian assistance, and human security.

From 2014 to 2017, he worked as an executive officer at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC, where he established the SDGs Promotion Office and provided support for corporate SDGs strategy development, ESG investment integration, and comprehensive SDGs planning for local governments.

In 2017, he founded the independent company SDG Partners.
He is also the author of the book “SDG Thinking” and more.
