SAKELOGY Provides Sake details in English for Foreign travelers at Ishikawa SAKE MARCHE.


Information on over 160 sake from 27 sake breweries in Ishikawa is provided by SAKELOGY, a sake navigation system startup. Sake details in English is prepared for the first time at Ishikawa SAKE MARCHE, the biggest sake event in Ishikawa. Visitors can choose their favorite sake with a tablet or a smartphone, which
 indicating names of the sake and the brewery, price , cold or
warm, sweetness and flavor


On Saturday 5th of October at Shiinoki Cultural Complex in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, SAKELOGY, Ltd, is to provide a QR code in which participants of the event can get over 160 sake information from 27 breweries in Ishikawa. Ishikawa SAKE MARCHE is the biggest sake event in the prefecture and it is 6th time this year. As the number of foreign travelers increase in Ishikawa, foreign participants also increase year by year. Sake was used to be for Japanese people, but nowadays sake is beginning to be popular overseas.

QR code is printed on the brochure of the event and also smartphone-size card will be given out to foreign guests. Participants read the QR code with their smartphone and it goes to Sake Marche Sake List website page. Detail information is offered via SAKELOGY system. Sake bottles picutre, the name of the product, flavor (sweet/ dry and light/fullboday) and ingredients are provided in English and Japanese.

Midori Hoshino, the CEO of SAKELOGY says that sake made in Ishikawa are generally high quality. Information on the bottle or menu in the restaurants are written only in Japanese. But our sake information in English can provide better sake experience to tourists.
“We didn’t know all of those sake of the event is from Ishikawa. Information in English will helps us understand those local sake” said Norwegian participants of last year.


SCHEDULE : 10:30 AM ~ 17:30 PM  5th October, 2019.
PLACE : Shiinoki Cultural Complex (Rain or Shine)
  A book of 22 tickets (22 marche) including one sake glass
  Early bird Ticket ¥3,500
  Same-day Ticket ¥4,000

Midori Hoshino


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