世界初!日本向けケージフリー卵のクレジットシステムグローバルフードパートナーズによるインパクトアライアンス(Impact Alliance)の取り組み

Global Food Partners, Inc.のプレスリリース

2021年3月11日、シンガポール。食品企業と生産者向けに持続可能なケージフリー卵(平飼い、放牧など非ケージ飼育で生産された卵)生産に関するサポートと専門知識を提供するシンガポール拠点の多国籍コンサルタント会社、 グローバルフードパートナーズ(Global Food Partners)は、世界をリードするサステナビリティの連携プログラム、インパクトアライアンス(強力な連携)を日本に拡大することとなりました。グローバルフードパートナーズはアジアにおける企業のケージフリー卵調達を促進するために、アライアンスをとおしインパクトインセンティブを有効なツールとして提供します。このインパクトインセンティブは、ケージフリー卵生産を加速するだけでなく、高い家畜福祉基準を満たす生産者に金銭的なインセンティブを提供します。

Launched in 2020, the Impact Alliance provides impact incentives for a wide variety of products, accelerating impact and sustainability at the producer level. The current members of the Impact Alliance are leather and cotton textile exchanges, a global roundtable of sustainable beef, soybean protera, and a global food partner for eggs.

Similar to carbon and sustainable palm oil (RSPO) credits, cage-free egg impact incentives help food companies offset their current procurement of cage-produced eggs in multiple markets in Asia. In addition, you can buy credits from certified cage-free egg farms (producers). Cage-free egg sourcing transactions, which were previously difficult in Asia, will be simplified, which will facilitate cage-free egg production, enable businesses to meet their livestock welfare goals and make effective changes. .. Through this scheme, purchasing companies can support the promotion of cage-free egg production without interrupting their current supply chain or contracts. Impact incentives are also endorsed by leading international livestock conservation groups as a means of carrying out cage-free egg efforts by global companies in emerging markets in Asia.

Impact incentives enable food companies to:

  • Promptly implement cage-free egg procurement policy using certified production farms
  • Not only can incentives be managed according to current and future needs, but
  • producers can flexibly decide on fluctuations in egg usage demand A step towards maximizing efficiency and
  • shifting to actual purchase (procurement) of cage-free eggs that can earn a premium rating for livestock welfare efforts

In Japan, an increasing number of food-related companies are switching to procuring cage-free eggs, but the current situation is that there are multiple issues in procuring cage-free eggs. This includes low production, supply chain complexity, and seasonal demand, which Global Food Partners Chief Operating Officer Jayasinha Nuggeheil said: “Until the supply and demand of cage-free eggs are balanced, impact incentives will give food companies new options and benefits to producers. That will be production in the future. In

addition to impact incentives, Global Food Partners will allow producers to become cage-free production systems through partnership programs, which will enable companies to more physically and simply procure cage-free eggs. We provide training and technical support for the transition.

Cage-free impact incentives are available to food companies throughout Asia, including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China, the Philippines, Japan and South Korea. For more information on this initiative, please contact

Global Food Partners Global Food Partners is a Singapore-based multinational consulting firm that works with food companies and suppliers to focus on raising cage-free eggs in Asia for higher livestock welfare and responsibility. We develop, implement and maintain procurement goals and production practices.
The team has over 50 years of corporate and farm experience in developing and implementing livestock welfare policies and production practices, working with food industry leaders, governments and the egg industry around the world, including South America, Asia and Australia as a whole. As a result, we have realized the policies and standards of cage-free eggs, and the transition and maintenance of higher livestock welfare to cage-free systems.

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