【勝どき】イタリアンと和食の融合!イタリアン×ソバのイタソバは新感覚『Grasara』がリニューアルオープン! [PR]

株式会社 インフィニートのプレスリリース



当店の店名「Grasara(グラサラ)」の由来は、イタリア語の「Granosaraceno グラノサラチェーノ(蕎麦)」から名付けました。
当店のコンセプトであるヘルシーな Japanese×Italian(和イタリアン)を、看 板メニューの ITA ソバと共にグラサラで楽しい時間を過ごして頂きたい、それ が私たちの想いです。

お子様も勿論、ご家族で、ご友人と、お仕事帰りに、様々 シーンで3フロアごとに異なる雰囲気の一軒家ソバ ダイニングをご利用下さい。 *1F のみ、ご利用条件が整えばワンちゃん同伴が可能です。

TV 番組でもご紹介頂いている看板メニューの「ITA ソバ」は信州ソバにイタリア ンのつけ汁を合わせたオリジナルのつけソバです。ソバはイタリアンのつけ汁に 合うように、また海外のお客様にも食べやすいように、敢えて八二蕎麦を使用し ています。つけ汁は昆布と鰹の合わせ出汁のかえしに、ジェノベーゼ・ペペロン チーノ・トマトバジル・ボロネーゼ・ポルチーニ等それぞれにイタリアンの味を 加えています。ランチやお酒のシメに是非お召し上がり下さい。

The name of our shop Grasara is derived from the Italian words “Grano Saraceno” which means Buckwheat noodles. The concept behind our food is to provide a healthy fusion of Italian and Japanese cuisine.
We really hope you enjoy our signature dish ITA-soba (Italian style soba), found nowhere else in the world but here. Our restaurant is open to everyone, whether you have a family with children or want to have an after work catch up, Grasara is happy to have you dine with us.
We have 3 different floors available:
1F: Sit at the bar and enjoy drinks and food with your company. (Please note: 1F is the only floor dogs are allowed. Please talk to staff prior to bringing your dog in as there are certain conditions.)
2F: Relax at the counter style seating and watch the chefs create your meal.
3F: Table seating perfect for larger groups including families with children, birthdays, work drinks etc.
ITA Soba
“ITA Soba” is our signature dish that brings the traditional taste of Japan and infuses it with the fresh flavours of Italy. We are proud to have had our ITA soba featured on a famous TV show here in Japan.Our soba noodles come from a place called Shinshu, Nagano which is home to one of the best soba in all of Japan. The soba is made up of 20% buckwheat flour and 80% wheat flour giving it full flavour with a smooth mouth-feel. This 20/80 ratio is perfect for experiencing soba for your first time if you are not familiar with soba noodles.
Accompanying the soba noodles is our Italian style dipping sauce which includes fresh ingredients like kelp, sea bream, Genovese peperone tino, tomato basil and porcini just to name a few.
With these paired together, they make the perfect lunch and are also great with sake.



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